

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Of Mo Ti to Mendur Brothers

Of Mo Ti to Mendur Brothers

If children are taught how to ask for a digital camera, certainly within a few minutes you can make calm menjeprat-snap objects that he is seeking. But what if he asks tell about how making a digital camera? Well, this article might help you.

In the book "The History of Photography" by Alma Davenport, published by the University of New Mexico Press in 1991, noted that in the 5th century BCE (BCE), a man named Mo Ti Chinese nationality have observed a phenomenon of photography. If the wall of a dark room there is a small hole (pinhole), then on the inside of the room was a view that is out will be reflected in reverse through the hole.

A few centuries later, many scientists recognize and admire the pinhole phenomenon earlier. Even in the 3rd century BC, Aristotle tried to explain the phenomenon of pinhole was with all the ideas that he had, and then introduced him to kyalayak crowded. Aristotle skin stretched given the small
hole, then held on the ground and give him space to capture the sun's shadow. In this experiment, the light can penetrate and bounce on the ground so that a solar eclipse can be observed. Audiences were made flabbergasted.

Furthermore, in the 10th century AD, a Muslim from Iraq scientist named Ibn al-Haitham also found a camera working principles as found Mo Ti. He began researching a wide range of phenomena of light, including the human vision system. Then, Haitham together students, Kamal ad-Din, for the first time introduce obscura phenomenon to people around him. At that time, obscura he means a confined space that on one side there is a small hole so that the beam of light can come in and make the shadows of the objects in front of him. No wonder, in the 11th century AD, the Arabs have used it as entertainment to make their tents as a camera obscura.

Then the camera obscura starting again examined by Leonardo da Vinci, an artist and a scientist, at the end of the 15th century. He drew elaborate system tools work the origin of the word "camera" and began to perfect it. At first the camera is not so popular because very little light coming in, so the images forming vaguely. The use of this new popular camera after the lens was discovered in 1550. With the lens on this camera, the light entering the camera can be reproduced, and the image can be focused so that it becomes more perfect.

In 1575, scientists succeeded in making the first portable camera. But the camera made this a very ancient remains can only be used for drawing. Then in 1680 the first birth reflex cameras still use to draw, but it has a bit of progress. But, because the raw materials to capture objects that are in front of the lens has not been found, then this camera is also used to ease the process of drawing objects.

History of the discovery of the new film begins in 1826. Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, a French veteran, experiment using a camera obscura and a metal plate coated with asphalt material to perpetuate the image of an object. After 8 hours of exposing the view from his bedroom window through a process of "Heliogravure", she delivered a somewhat blurred image and maintain image permanently. His success was considered as the beginning of the history of photography. Picture made by Niepce was entitled "View from the Window at Le Gras" and became the first photo ever in the world.
If Niepce name listed as the first photographer to capture a picture, Louis JM Daguerre was the person who first made the picture in which there is a human figure. In a photo taken from a distance in 1839, it appears one man was standing and lifting one leg while his shoes were cleaned by someone else on the side of a highway. Daguerre was crowned as the first to successfully create a permanent image on a sheet of copper plate coated with silver iodine solution, and then irradiated for one and a half hours with a heating mercury (fluorescent). This process is called "daguerreotype". To make the image permanent, plates were washed with a solution of salt and distilled water.

Trial-by-trial continues, until finally William Henry Talbott of England on January 25, 1839 introduced a "photographic paintings" which also uses the camera obscura, but he made a positive picture on a piece of paper silver chloride. Later, in the same year Talbot invented the forerunner of modern negative film made of sheets of paper emulsion, which can be used to print photos in a "contact print". This technique can also be used to reprint like modern negative film. This process is called calotype which later developed into Talbotypes. To produce a positive image, Talbot Saltprint process. Images with negative film first made in August 1835 Talbot was a sight the library door at his home in Hacock Abbey, Wiltshire, England.

Technological discoveries are increasingly emerging as the entry of photography into the world of journalism. But, because the people have not been able to put journalistic photos in the print, they copy the photos to draw my hands. The first newspaper that contains images with this technique is the Daily Graphic, namely on 16 April 1877. The first picture in the news paper was a fire event.

Then, the printing process was found "half tone" in 1880 which allows photos inserted into the newspapers. The first photo in the newspaper is a photo of mine oil drilling Shantytown which appeared in the newspaper "New York Daily Graphic" in the United States on March 4, 1880. That picture is the work of Henry J Newton.

Photography then develop very quickly. According to the Hartoyo Szarkowski (2004: 22), the main architect of modern photography is an entrepreneur named George Eastman. Through his company called Eastman Kodak, George Eastman developed by creating and selling photographic roll film and the camera box practical. At that time, the world had known fixes photography lens, shutter, film, and photo paper. These findings have been easier for people to capture the objects that are in front of the lens and reproduce. Thus, the photographers, both amateur and professional, can produce a work of high art unhindered by the limitations of the technology.

In the year 1900 one draftsman has created a camera Mammoth. Enormous size of this camera. Weighing 1,400 pounds, while the lens weighs 500 pounds. To operate or move, the photographer needs help 15 people. This camera uses film of 4.5 x 8 feet and requires as much as 10 gallons of chemicals when processing it.

Then, in 1950, the use of prisms to facilitate shooting on camera Single Lens Reflex (SLR) from crowded. And in the same year, Japan began to enter the world of photography with the NIKON camera produce. In 1972, the Polaroid camera invented by Edwin Land began to be marketed. Polaroid camera is capable of producing an image without going through the process of developing and printing film.

Advances in technology helped spur photography very quickly. If the first camera for tents only can produce images that are not too sharp, digital cameras are now only able to make a wallet for very sharp images in the size of the paper.

History of Photography in Indonesia

The development of photography in Indonesia, always concerned and flow with the momentum of socio-political journey of this nation, from the momentum change in the colonial policy, revolution, an economic boom in the early 1980s, until the Reformation in 1998.

In 1841, a Dutch health officials named Juriaan Munich received instructions from the Colonial Office to land in Batavia with a dauguerreotype. Munich was given the task of perpetuating the plants and the natural conditions that exist in Indonesia as a way to obtain information about the natural conditions. Since then, the camera becomes a part of the modern technology that is used to run the Dutch government new policy. The command and control of the colonies no longer be done by building a fortress or the placement of troops and cannon, but by mastering modern technologies of transportation and communication. Within this framework, photography perform its functions through colonial administrative workers, court officials, military officers, and missionaries.

Background that explains why for 100 years existence of photography in Indonesia (1841-1941) acquisition tool is exclusively in the hands of the Europeans, a few Chinese, and Japanese. Based on a survey and research results in a commercial studio pictures in the Dutch East Indies on the photos there since 1850 to 1940, from 540 studios in 75 cities and towns, there are 315 names of Europeans, 186 Chinese, 45 Japanese , and only four local people of Indonesia, one of which is Kasian Cephas.

Kasian Cephas is genuine locals. He was born on February 15, 1844 in Yogyakarta. Cephas is actually the original natives then raised as a child by partner Adrian Schalk and Eta philipine Kreeft, and schooled in the Netherlands. Cephas was the one who first introduced the world of photography to Indonesia. However, the literature on the history of Indonesia is very rarely mentioned his name as the first indigenous career as a professional photographer. Name Kassian Cephas began traced by oldest photographic work made in 1875.

It took nearly a hundred years for the nation to really get to know the world of photography. The entry of Japan in 1942 has created an opportunity for Indonesia to absorb technology. For the needs of propaganda, the Japanese began a photographer Indonesia train people to work in their news, Domei. At that appear Mendur Brothers name. They are forming a new image of the Indonesian nation.

Through photography, mental Mendur brothers tried to lead this nation into the same high-minded and egalitarian. Frans Mendur with his brother, Alex Mendur, also became a national icon for the world's photographers. They often record important events for the country, one of which is to capture the moments of the reading of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. This is the moment when photography really "get" to Indonesia, when the camera changed hands and Indonesia began to represent himself.

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