

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013


"Photography" is derived from the Greek words photos ("light") and graphein ("to draw") The word was first used by the scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839. It is a method of recording images by the action of light, or related radiation, on a sensitive material.
Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham), a great authority on optics in the Middle Ages who lived around 1000AD, invented the first pinhole camera, (also called the Camera Obscura} and was able to explain why the images were upside down. The first casual reference to the optic laws that made pinhole cameras possible, was observed and noted by Aristotle around 330 BC, who questioned why the sun could make a circular image when it shined through a square hole.

The First Photograph

On a summer day in 1827, Joseph Nicephore Niepce made the first photographic image with a camera obscura. Prior to Niepce people just used the camera obscura for viewing or drawing purposes not for

Cara-Cara Camera


Teknik Dasar Cara Memotret Dengan Menggunakan Kamera DSLR

Kamera DSLR kini semakin trend dikalangan masyarakat, berbagai produsen kini meluncurkan kamera DSLR terbaru, selain dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur, kamera DSLR menghasilkan kualitas gambar sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan jika kita mengetahui cara menggunakannya.

Menggunakan kamera DSLR tidaklah mudah dalam membuat hasil gambar yang berkualitas, ada trik-trik dan petunjuk yang harus kita ikuti untuk menghasilkan kualitas potret yang lebih baik, terkecuali Anda telah memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya tentang kamera tersebut. Dan kali ini kita akan membahas sekilas teknik dasar menggunakan kamera DSLR. Karena untuk tingkat teknik dasar tergolong mudah untuk dipelajari terlebih bagi kita yang baru pertama menggunakan kamera DSLR.

Pertama sekali yang harus diperhatikan adalah pastikan kamera sudah dalam keadaan siap untuk digunakan, cek baterai, cek memory, dll. Setelah anda rasa kamera siap digunakan, selanjutnya kita coba mensetting kamera terlebih dahulu, setting kamera ke mode AV (

Of Mo Ti to Mendur Brothers

Of Mo Ti to Mendur Brothers

If children are taught how to ask for a digital camera, certainly within a few minutes you can make calm menjeprat-snap objects that he is seeking. But what if he asks tell about how making a digital camera? Well, this article might help you.

In the book "The History of Photography" by Alma Davenport, published by the University of New Mexico Press in 1991, noted that in the 5th century BCE (BCE), a man named Mo Ti Chinese nationality have observed a phenomenon of photography. If the wall of a dark room there is a small hole (pinhole), then on the inside of the room was a view that is out will be reflected in reverse through the hole.

A few centuries later, many scientists recognize and admire the pinhole phenomenon earlier. Even in the 3rd century BC, Aristotle tried to explain the phenomenon of pinhole was with all the ideas that he had, and then introduced him to kyalayak crowded. Aristotle skin stretched given the small